couple on beach looking at ocean

Sexual Health consists of two categories:


The O-Shot or Orgasm Shot is a cutting edge, non-surgical procedure that can help women increase libido, increase vaginal sensitivity, decrease pain during sexual intercourse and relieve them of urinary incontinence. The O-Shot has also shown significant improvements for the symptoms of interstitial cystitis and lichen sclerosis. The procedure is a unique and specified method that uses the patient’s own blood-derived growth factors to rejuvenate the female sexual system.

Unfortunately, many women are silent about their sexual health and often are not aware that they may have alternative treatment options for their condition. Approximately 30-50% of women (depending on age) suffer from sexual disorders or female sexual organ problems. Women learn to live with these problems or avoid sex altogether. But it shouldn’t have to be this way – at least not with the O-Shot.

How does the O-Shot work?

Blood is drawn from the patient and placed into a centrifuge where it is spun at an incredibly high speed. The centrifuge is able to separate the blood cells from the platelet rich plasma layer (PRP) which contains natural growth factors. The PRP is then injected into the clitoral and vaginal areas so that it can stimulate the growth of new, healthier and younger tissue (stem cells, collagen and blood vessels).

The O-Shot:

  • Is all natural
  • Is minimally invasive
  • Has no side effects

How long will it take to see results?

Results may be immediate, but for some it may take a few weeks to start noticing a difference. However, over the course of a couple months, the growth of new tissue will become apparent. The effects of the O-Shot vary but usually last approximately 18 months, but some women have felt its effects for up to 3 years.  We can help women regain confidence and take back control. Don’t let these disorders interfere with life.

Why choose us?

Doctor Nyree and her staff perform a complete health evaluation to optimize the results of the O-Shot.  This includes specialized testing and an expert understanding of hormonal health which includes the adrenal and thyroid glands in addition to the female hormonal system.  We get results!


Why Choose the P-Shot?

A Natural Male Enhancement
The P-Shot utilizes both the patient’s own growth factors to achieve natural male enhancement – improved erections, sexual performance and penis size.

It’s Painless
Harvesting the platelet rich plasma, as well as the injection itself is practically painless. The procedure only requires local topical anesthesia. We use a very thin needle for the injections.

Quick 20 Minute Procedure
This is an outpatient procedure with little post-procedural pain or recovery time. Results start to become apparent after several weeks and progressively improve for months following the procedure.

Addresses All Stages of the Erectile Process
Unlike phosphodiesterase type 5 medications (like Viagra, Levitra or Cialis) the P-Shot for erectile dysfunction addresses the defects at all stages of the erectile process.

Recover the ability to initiate and maintain an erection for sexual performance and enjoy the natural pleasures of life!

This method of using platelet rich plasma is uniquely designed to help the millions of men who suffer from differing degrees of erectile dysfunction. This is a MINIMALLY INVASIVE procedure and uses your own body’s NATURAL HEALING PROCESS to initiate and maintain an erection capable of sexual function.

Take part in platelet rich plasma therapy and REINVENT YOUR SEX LIFE. We will thoroughly walk you through the treatment so that you are comfortable and confident about the procedure. You may start to see results within WEEKS.


Using your own body’s biological material and healing factors to rejuvenate itself might seem like science-fiction, but this is nothing to be skeptical about. This is real science.

This treatment is revolutionary.

  • Turning to medication is one alternative, but the P-Shot offers the same (if not better) benefits without the adverse side effects.
  • There is no risk of allergic reaction, and infection is extremely rare for the treatments that use your body’s own blood and platelet rich plasma.

Imagine a life without stress or anxiety because of erectile dysfunction. You’ve probably tried other “solutions” before, but nothing will work quite the same as this therapy!

Call our office for a free consultation at 727-940-5278.

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