What Constitutes the Equilibrium Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine?


What Constitutes the Equilibrium Between the Divine Feminine and Masculine?

Every individual embodies a blend of feminine and masculine energies, crucial factors influencing the harmony or discord in our relationships, health and lives. The dominance of either energy isn’t tethered to gender or sexual orientation; one can identify as a “heterosexual feminine man” or a “heterosexual masculine woman.” Both energies, Feminine and Masculine, wield equal potency and allure, each contributing distinctively to our spiritual growth, cognition, emotions, and conduct.

Ancient wisdom recognized the contrast between the core energies of male and female.

Take a look at the chart above and notice where your energy is more dominant. We are all on both sides of the columns at different times in our day and lives.

Feminine and Masculine are akin to the natural polarities observed in the universe: the sun and the moon, the brain and the heart, the Earth and the spirit. Harmony ensues when these forces remain balanced, fostering seamless functioning. Conversely, imbalance incites friction, akin to the repulsion or attraction exhibited by magnets. Just as varied energies can draw or repel people, our shadow aspects, though often overlooked, are precious assets. They shield us from desires we seek when left unaddressed or unhealed.

When I am speaking with my patients I am listening and looking at the ways that their childhood relationships, life experiences, trauma and current daily habits have all shaped their ability to flow between the vulnerable feminine and the take charge masculine. In those places are often the answers for the health issues that they have come to me to seek advice on. When we are not balanced in our Feminine and Masculine parts it often leads to acute and chronic ailments in the body.

There are valid scientific connections as to why men have more cardiovascular disease and heart attacks than women and why women have more thyroid ailments than men. The habits that we have and the choices that we make are not independent of our physical body. Every choice that we make from our food to our relationships to our career to the clothes we choose to wear have an impact on our inner well-being and too often we are running on automatic and wondering why we are are ill and tired and unhappy.

In this era, authenticity reigns supreme, urging us to confront our inner truths and embrace our soul’s essence. For alpha females, the instinct to take charge, solve problems, and lead is deeply rooted, serving us well in professional settings. However, this assertiveness doesn’t always translate smoothly into other aspects of our lives. Our true happiness awaits when we learn to release control, embrace receptivity, and simply be present, all the while maintaining the creative essence that defines the alpha female within us. For the Divine Masculine, he is being called to his vulnerability, to open his heart and to protect and provide a safe emotional space for the Divine Feminine to relinquish control. As we all flow with more ease between these parts of us, our health will be more and more optimal and vital.

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