How Chronic Stress Depletes Our Immune System

How Chronic Stress Depletes Our Immune System

”Your cells will either be in a state of growth or protection and if your mind is ‘stressed out,’ then your cells are in a suppressed state, a.k.a breakdown mode—which will leave your body wide open and more susceptible to illness or disease.” ~ Bruce Lipton

  • Stress Creates chronic inflammatory conditions.
  • Stress Suppresses the smooth operation of the digestive system.
  • Stress Lowers the immune system

When long-term stress becomes chronic, repetitive mind patterns, thoughts, habits, and high emotional reactions lead to the secretion of elevated levels of cortisol (stress hormone) from the adrenal glands. Excessive amounts of CORTISOL run HAVOC in our body systems.

If the adrenal glands are overactive (stress hormone glands) then the other glands are suppressed from their natural function. The adrenal glands take up all the energy to activate stress hormones which suppress the other glands from naturally maintaining chemical/hormonal balance in the body.

The hormonal system in the body (endocrine) is a major player when it comes to maintaining a healthy immune system balance. Stress disrupts the natural order of the endocrine system resulting in chemical imbalances. This changes the immune responses that our body can emit and regulate with mediators such as increasing inflammatory cytokines and decreasing the natural killer cells and lymphocytes in our body depleting our ability to fight infections.

It therefore becomes imperative to lower our stress levels. We can reduce our stress levels by changing our thinking habits. Outdated negative perceptions can lead to distorted thinking patterns which can paint events much worse than they are — keeping the vicious cycle of stress turning.

Stress Management Tips

  • Keep a positive attitude.
  • Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
  • Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
  • Learn and practice relaxation techniques meditation, deep breathing, and mindfulness
  • Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
  • Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
  • Learn to manage your time more effectively.
  • Set limits appropriately and learn to say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life.
  • Make time for hobbies, interests, and relaxation.
  • Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
  • Don’t rely on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress.
  • PRAY


Meditation induces a relaxation response in the body which allows the body to reset and balance — creating coherence within all systems of the body. The relaxation response is our physical way of reversing the effects of stress and the physical stress response.

Having a healthy mind and practicing meditation will align all the major systems of the body:

  • Respiratory – More rhythmic breathing
  • Cardiovascular – Heart rate slows downs
  • Immune – Releasing more white cells
  • Lymphatic – Improves circulation
  • Endocrine – Balances hormonal levels
  • Digestive- Allows the body to rest and digest

Meditations have been designed to increase self-awareness and restore inner peace and harmony — resulting in a stronger immune system.

Allow gratitude, prayer, and a meditation practice into your life and be consistent with your commitment to reducing your stress.

Remember, your body is resilient, and with the right support, you can change your mindset and habits.


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